Cemeteries, Crankypantsing, Genealogy, Photography


Fragment of Grave Marker
Covenanter Cemetery, Bloomington, Indiana

This was taken last weekend. It’s cheating, but since I didn’t post a photo yesterday and didn’t even touch my camera today, I’m not going to feel guilty about it. Heck, I very nearly didn’t post at all today. Damned DST[1]. It’s past my bedtime already!

Where did this day go, anyway? It seems like I didn’t get a thing done, because I wasted it chasing my tail trying to solve a couple of genealogical puzzles. A fragment here and a fragment there. I did manage to figure out that I could merge two individuals–yay! I also found my great-great aunt Margaret’s husband in the US census records for 1910 and 1920. I guess that’s progress of a sort, right?

And now I have to go figure out what to make for lunch tomorrow. I have a feeling it’s going to involve broccoli and rice and maybe some granny smith apples. But not all together. That would be disgusting.

1. Every day during DST, when my alarm goes off at the unholy hour of 3:30 am Indiana time, I’m going to be reminded of what a sadistic fucking bastard Mitch Daniels is. Note to Mitch: You are henceforth and forevermore stricken from my Christmas Holiday card list!