
Goodwill Haul

Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook Yearbook

I stopped at Goodwill yesterday. I didn’t find a lot, but I got a stuffy for Thomas, a set of spice jars, and two yearbooks.

Brenda Sue Price was born 13 Jan 1943 in Blodgett, Missouri and died 28 Jun 1998 in Clarkton, Missouri. I have no idea how her yearbooks ended up in Indiana, but they were very well loved, and I’m glad I found them. I only took quick phone photos of a few of the pages. There are a bunch more, and I’ll eventually scan them. If I can find the time, I’ll search for or create an entry for her on FamilySearch and add the images there, in case she has family who would someday want them.



Found Photos

I found a photo album full of photos at Goodwill. Most are dated 1973 and 1977, with a few Polaroid photos at the beginning of the album that are likely from the late 1960s. I removed them from the album, because they were sticking to the pages. None of the photos had writing on the back, so there’s no information about them. At least some of them were taken in Hawaii, though.

Wedding June 1973
Wedding June 1973

Plaid and Paneling

Rocks and Ocean, Hawaii

Waterlilies, Hawaii

Tree, Hawaii



Found Photos



Old Stuff

Old Stuff

Archives has been cleaning out old junk from their office. They leave it outside the door with a “free” sign, for people to take. I periodically wander by to see what’s on offer. One day it was a giant box of hanging file folders (excellent score for the genealogy stash!), another it was a bunch of engraving plates, and most recently, it was a large, crumbly roll of old posters. I didn’t realize they were all the same poster when I took the entire roll, but that’s okay. They’re interesting and will be a nice addition to the collage stash, when I finally get them home.


So long as we love

A page from a 1938 autograph book belonging to a 7th grade girl.

So Long as We Love

“So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others, I would almost say that we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.”


1886 Autograph Album

1886 Autograph Album


A coworker found this in a drawer she was cleaning out. She thought I’d like to look at it, so she brought it to work. I got permission from her to scan, transcribe, and upload the entire album, so that other people could look at it. It might be of use for genealogical research.

The album belonged to Mr. James Thomas Ricketts, a teacher at the Yorktown School, in Yorktown, Tippecanoe County, Indiana. Most of the entries are from 1886, with a few later ones in 1890. Yorktown no longer exists. It was de-platted in 1969. All that remains is a cemetery.

I’m finished transcribing all the entries, but I’ve only had time to do a few cursory look ups in the Census records. The entire album can be seen here.


Vintage Ad

Retractable Lead
Newspaper ad for a retractable lead, 1941

“Smart dog owners carry leashes wound on spring reels. The leashes encased in Tenite are styled in lustrous colors to match almost any costume. By simply pressing a small switch on the handle, the dog may be controlled at any desired distance. Tenite will withstand rough handling without denting or chipping.”

Just in case you thought retractable leads were a relatively new thing. Who knew?!