
Before the Storm

Before the Storm

There was a tornado warning last night, right after I took this photo. It was for the northwest corner of the county though. I’m in the northeast corner of the county, so I wasn’t too concerned. But we got a hell of a light show, and swirling pink spots on the radar passed north and south of us. I could hear hail plinking against the windows.

I’m dragging my ass today, because the storm kept me up way past my bedtime.


The Sky Last Night


Mist and Rain

I had been trying to get a photo of the rain in the distance (top), but then it started pouring right on top of me, so I took my big camera inside. I came back out in the rain with my phone, but the photo I wanted to get was gone. This was nice, though (bottom)! It had been pouring rain in the distance, but then it cleared up and there was a weird light from the setting sun filtering down from above the clouds in the east.