Art, Doodles, Drawings


acrylic, gouache, and Posca pen on recycled cardboard

I made an accordion book out of recycled cardboard. Why? Why not? I can’t credit the person I got the idea from. I think I saw it on Instagram. You can soak corrugated cardboard in hot water (tap water is fine), then peel apart the layers.

I’m a sucker for Kraft paper and have made several books out of paper grocery bags, so this looked fun. it was a little messy but not at all difficult. After the cardboard was delaminated, I laid it on the patio to dry, then tore it down, folded and taped the pieces into a long accordion, and glued on a set of recycled book covers.

I guess I’m using this book for pear doodles.

Art, Drawings, Monoprints

Tree and Flower


ink, metallic wax, and acrylic monoprint on watercolor paper
7 1/16 x 5 inches

I did two more drawings on monoprints last night. The metallic wax is really finicky to photograph. All the little dots at the end of the flower spikes are highlighted with metallic wax.

Art, Collage, Drawings


10 x 8 inches
mixed media (graphite, gesso, and collage) on canvas

The bottom layer is a page of art history notes from college. I believe on Rodin, hence the repeated refrain of “Unfinished.” The tree is graphite, and the map is from an old world atlas.