Ladybusiness, Meta

Blog Excavations

When my old blog got hacked a couple of years ago, I went back to Blogger. I was fed up with the lack of help from my web hosts’ alleged help department, and I was fed up with trying to stay on top of back end stuff I didn’t really feel competent to be in charge of. But Blogger is clunky as hell. The mobile app is especially exasperating, because it does not know how to handle HTML. The WordPress app does, though, so I decided to give WP another try, only this time NOT self-hosting.

It was the best blogging decision I have made. If there are draw-backs, I haven’t seen them yet. I expect I’ll eventually need to pay for space, because I’ve gradually been adding back the content lost when my old blog was eaten. I’m having to do it manually, though, copying text from the actual database, so it’s a slow process.

Which is all to say that I have finally excavated the Covered Wagon Women entries. Also the few entries I did on Laura Ingalls. I regretted losing those the most. My photos and artwork are all available on Flickr, so they’re accessible whether the blog is here or not. The writing, though, was not.

Also! Dewey’s 24 Hour Readathon is coming up. I wasn’t sure what I was going to read this time around, but the blog excavations have nudged me in the direction of more ladyjournals. I have a ton to choose from, and I’ll likely be sharing my favorite bits here.