Journals, Photography

DIY Notebook Cover

Book Cover Book Cover

I have a million notebook covers, but they all feel too bulky. I couldn’t find anything online that sparked joy, but then I remembered wrapping our books with brown grocery bags at the Catholic school I went to. But how to accommodate the elastic band? It took me a little bit of trial and error, and it required tape (the og book covers didn’t use any tape or adhesive), but I ended up with something that makes me happy.

I ended up not using the notebook with black paper. After one day, it tore along the front hinge. I took that as a bad omen, so I switched to a different one. Kind of a bummer, because the brand (Buke) is one I really like and have had no other issues with. I think the problem is the black paper itself. It has a bit of a soft, velvety texture, and I think the adhesive just didn’t have enough of a solid surface to adhere to. I’ll keep using their white bamboo paper notebooks. Those are excellent.