Journals, Photography

DIY Notebook Cover

Book Cover Book Cover

I have a million notebook covers, but they all feel too bulky. I couldn’t find anything online that sparked joy, but then I remembered wrapping our books with brown grocery bags at the Catholic school I went to. But how to accommodate the elastic band? It took me a little bit of trial and error, and it required tape (the og book covers didn’t use any tape or adhesive), but I ended up with something that makes me happy.

I ended up not using the notebook with black paper. After one day, it tore along the front hinge. I took that as a bad omen, so I switched to a different one. Kind of a bummer, because the brand (Buke) is one I really like and have had no other issues with. I think the problem is the black paper itself. It has a bit of a soft, velvety texture, and I think the adhesive just didn’t have enough of a solid surface to adhere to. I’ll keep using their white bamboo paper notebooks. Those are excellent.


How Many Holes?

How many holes?

Can you spot all the holes in this photo?

One of my neighbors has let their dog dig in the back field. Some of the holes are easy to spot, but a lot of them are invisible even when the grass is cut short.

I tripped in one of these invisible holes a couple of months ago and totally wrecked both of my knees. I could barely walk for a few days, and they still hurt.

I’m sure the dog’s owner hasn’t given a second thought to how dangerous those holes are. There are five of them in just that one photo, by the way.


Went for a Snifty

The flame-leaf sumac is really turning. I noticed this morning though that some of them aren’t.

Flame-leaf Sumac

All of them bloomed a while back. Not all developed fruit. I’m guessing the fruitless ones are male and the ones with fruit are female. But what’s strange is that the fruitless ones are the ones that are turning red. The ones with fruit are way behind. They’ll eventually turn, too, but at this point they’re still mostly green.

Flame-leaf Sumac