Pets, Photography


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Frances had her yearly exam today. Everything looks good. However, I walked in to the clinic with an adult dog and walked out with a senior dog. The last time she was in, for a torn meniscus, the orthopedic surgeon commented that her eyes seemed filmy. Like old(er) dog eyes. He was right, so I asked her regular vet for a second opinion. He agreed, and pushed back her birth date to 2007.

I’m not happy about that, but on the other hand, Frances doesn’t care. She’s still bouncing around and raising hell like a puppy. Bullydogs don’t believe in aging gracefully.


Red Onion


This was taken with a +4 macro filter held in front of my phone’s lens. I don’t buy red onions often, because I prefer green for most things. Green onions don’t turn sweet when you cook them. But I couldn’t resist the beautiful purple color of this one, when I was grocery shopping, so it came home with me.



Cyanoprint from Negative
Georgia 1946?

This was done with one of those cheap sun print kits. You just lay the negative directly on the paper, cover with plexiglas, expose it in the sun until the paper turns white, then rinse and blot dry. I used one of my grandpa’s negatives. My best guess is that it was taken on his and grandma’s honeymoon.

Crankypantsing, Photography

Unpinned and Broken

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I was supposed to go visit my mom this weekend. That did not happen. I got about halfway to Nashville and my car’s brakes started rumbling. Not good. Especially not good when you’re going down a steep, twisty hill, which is the only kind of hill we have around here. So I turned around, came home, and made an appointment for that afternoon to have my car looked at. Turns out, the tiny pin holding one of the brake shoes together um, broke.